A Warm At The Acorns Welcome
January 30, 2019
Approval and assessment to become a Foster Carer can take as long as 8 months…
February 28, 2019

Six Teenage Girls Celebrating Successful Exam Results

In January we talked about the New Year bringing thoughts of new beginnings and said that if you were looking for a new job then why not consider becoming a Foster Carer?


Well, this month we’ve taken that recruitment message one step further by placing a recruitment campaign on TFM Radio. We are recruiting for Foster Carers whose job it would be to provide parental care to a child other than your own. The children for whom we are seeking foster families are in foster care through no fault of their own, but because their parents are unable to provide a safe and stable environment within which they can thrive and flourish. For that reason the creative messages we’ve used talk about the reasons why a child may come to need fostering and the results we strive to achieve At The Acorns. It also focuses on the fact that you could change a child’s life for the better and get paid while you do it.


The campaign is being broadcast across the Teesside, South Durham and North Yorkshire areas with a view to encouraging people in those areas, who are interested in learning more about becoming a Foster Carer, to get in touch. As we’ve said previously, becoming a Foster Carer does mean that you can work from home, receive all the training and support you need, and the chance to change a child’s life for the better.


According to the recent figures released from the national statistics for fostering and report by the Fostering Network, there are around 43,500 foster families in England currently with a need to recruit a further 6,800 families in the next 12 months. That’s why, At The Acorns Fostering Service, we are recruiting. We want to ensure that we have the right Foster Carers available at the right time in the right places to fulfil demand, hence our campaign. So listen out and if you feel you could make a difference to a child’s life get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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