What is care?
November 20, 2019
New year, new beginnings
December 19, 2019

Imagine a child or young person waking up on Christmas morning with no presents to open…

Cash for Kids is a charity that supports the needs of children in our local communities who are disabled, disadvantaged, or suffering from abuse or neglect. The aim of Cash for Kids Mission Christmas is to make sure that these children have presents to open on Christmas morning, and last week we went along to their warehouse to help out.

The warehouse is where all the gifts that have been donated are gathered to be split down to fulfil the requests received. We were helping with this and were surprised by the number of requests this worthwhile charity was receiving for gifts for young people over 12 that they could not fulfil because they just literally had not received enough gifts or donations. A lot of the young people we work with, especially in our residential home, fall into this age category so we know how difficult it can be to buy for them to ensure that they receive something for Christmas. We make sure our residents, however, always receive something. In these instances, if these requests can’t be fulfilled, there is a chance that these children may be left with nothing on Christmas morning and that’s why we are now considering how we might get involved further next year.

In the meantime, if you’d like to get involved this year, you can help by dropping in a gift at any one of a number of drop off points (which include B&M stores) across the region. Cash for Kids Mission Christmas helps local, disadvantaged children in this area so if you can help, it would be really appreciated by the one in three children living in poverty in the area right now. And if you do buy a gift, buy something suitable for a young person who is over 12 years old.

May we take this opportunity to thank everyone that helps Mission Christmas and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas. If you’d like to know more about TFM’s Mission Christmas, click this link here.

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