Did You Know That…?
May 7, 2019
Pupil Premium
June 11, 2019

We’ve been spring cleaning at our offices lately. We hadn’t realised that ‘spring’ cleaning comes from the days when homes were heated by fireplaces, and efforts were made to prevent heat from escaping in the winter, which needed to be removed in the spring. Another reason for cleaning taking place in spring is that warmer weather and longer days work as a stimulant for a lot of people to become more active. Well, we’ve definitely been more ‘active’ in our offices lately. So, as well as the aroma of paint, recent visitors will have also noticed that we’ve been knocking down walls, taking blinds off the windows and generally giving the offices a new lease of life. The reason? We’re expanding as a Fostering Agency and our premises need to reflect that, and cater for the number of people who visit for training, etc.

At the Acorns, we care for children and young people, and are dedicated to improving their lives when they are unable to live at home with their birth families. This is often the case when they require either residential living or fostering over a short or longer period of time. Our new, extended training room will deliver training to our Foster Carers and to our Residential Team too, so it’s important that it’s big enough to cater for the expanding team as well as the number of looked-after children that visit us.

We also want to make it reflective of our brand values when we are working in partnership with young people, their families and other professionals. We’ll unveil the finished result in our blog next month. In the meantime, if you do have reason to visit us at our venue on Kellaw Road (just off Yarm Road) in Darlington, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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