The Care Industry’s Sleep-In Crisis
November 28, 2018
A Warm At The Acorns Welcome
January 30, 2019

New Year

The New Year nearly always brings thoughts of new beginnings and new challenges, and finding a new job can often be top of that list. Little wonder then that the number of British people looking for a new job soars in January compared to the rest of the year. If you are looking for a new job this New Year then why not consider becoming a Foster Carer?


What is Foster Care?

Fostering is the provision of parental care to a child other than your own. The children for whom we are seeking foster families are in foster care through no fault of their own, but because their parents are unable to provide a safe and stable environment within which they can thrive and flourish. It is intended that Foster Carers will bridge the gaps for these children, normalise their experiences of the world and encourage them to access all of the opportunities available to their peer group.


So, is being a Foster Carer really a job? It is in the sense that you are rewarded financially for it. What is also offers is all the training you need, the ability to work from home (no daily commute!), and the chance to change a child’s life for the better. Imagine how much better a child’s life could be with the opportunities you can offer them by providing a loving, stable family home.


Could I become a Foster Carer?

Just as there is diversity in fostered children, there is also diversity in Foster Carers who come from a variety of backgrounds and have different life experiences, skills and qualities to bring to bear. You don’t need any formal qualifications. What matters is your ability to care and nurture a child and create an environment in which they can thrive.


Our aim, with your help, is to provide young people with the opportunities and experiences that will enable them to achieve their full potential. We provide the highest quality of care, focusing on the present and look forward to their future with optimism and enthusiasm. It’s our mission to provide a firm foundation, from which they can grow. Working in partnership with you, the young people, their families and other professionals, we aim to create positive outcomes for each individual.


You can foster at The Acorns providing you are over 21, a full-time resident of the UK (or have leave to remain) and have a spare bedroom. Interested to take the first step towards a new job as a Foster Carer? Contact us today and Happy New Year!


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