As we approach May, Foster Care Fortnight is on our minds. Foster Care Fortnight™ is The Fostering Network’s annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and to show how foster care transforms lives. It is also the UK’s biggest foster carer recruitment campaign.
Established for almost 20 years, the campaign showcases the commitment, passion and dedication of foster carers and is delivered by the leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network. It supports fostering services to highlight the need for more foster carers. Over 7,000 new foster families are needed every year to care for children, with the greatest need being foster carers for older children, sibling groups, disabled children and unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
Foster Care Fortnight 2018 will take place from 14 to 27 May this year and there are a range of ways to get involved in #FCF18. As one of the aims of Foster Care Fortnight is to raise the profile of fostering, and the transformational power of foster care, existing foster carers are often the best advert. So, if you are a foster carer (or are part of a fostering family or fostering service) please help spread the word about fostering. If you’re not a foster carer already, perhaps now is the time for you to consider becoming one. Either way, show support of the campaign through social media using the caption ‘I’m … and I’m #ProudToFoster’ or ‘I’m….and I’m #ProudToSupportFostering’. We will be doing the same. If you’d like to know more about becoming a foster carer, or how to show your support, then get in touch with us today.
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